Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Monday Morning

for my new friend, Renee, a flitter of fun and friendship

Sink into the empty loveseat
witness finches
flit fly flutter
bounce over the bannister
change direction
like hummingbirds
free as a ...

free as themselves
hang upside down
to eat captive suet
through the feeder cage
lest the magpie
in his tux and tails

take it all away
before chasing that squirrel
he'll never catch - the one who
runs circles around him
leaps branch to branch
in the spruce

chickadee, sparrow and finch
fly free, fed and happy
in their brown suits
spotted breast
or striped waistcoat
blushing head
or masked eyes

They don't stay long enough
for me to catch their names
or their eye
but they thank me
sing me
with their song

Photo credit: #34283549, Standard License

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