Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Morning Exercise

Reach up into the cupboard
lift down the bowl and plate
place softly on the granite
so neither one will break

Pull the first drawer forward
pick up the knife and spoon
circle round the island
like a crescent moon

Bend into the pantry
through the yawning door
granola and some raisins
into the bowl to throw

Grip the fridge door handle
pull out the coconut milk
add raspberries for color
stir circles smooth as silk

Return to fridge, take out the bread
sans gluten, unrefined
slide the butter closer
sweet spun honey find

Push down the toast, rotate halfway
to even out the burn
While you wait, pivot and take
your coffee cup to urn

When all is said and done
you've stretched and put away
sit down to eat this silly poem
and send it on its way.

Picture: Personal collection

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